Pretrial Execution: A scientific and Practical Guide
M .: "VividArt", 2012. - 528 pages
The authors of the scientific and practical guide consider the preliminary investigation and the peculiarities of its constituent parts - inquiry and preliminary investigation, as well as the powers of the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation, officials conducting preliminary investigation and the general conditions for its conduct.
Investigative actions carried out in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation during pretrial are presented in a unified system, and the procedural documents drawn up during the implementation are classified according to certain criteria.
In the second part of the guide, there are more than 200 exemplary samples of procedural documents provided for by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation used by investigators and inquirers in the investigation of a criminal case. For ease of use, these exemplary samples are divided into 13 chapters, in accordance with the chapters of the Criminal Procedure Code, which regulates the pretrial.
An integral part of the guide is the compact disk (CD), which features these samples of procedural documents.
For investigators, inquirers, operatives of various law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, as well as for researchers, teachers, adjuncts, graduate students, students, and cadets of higher educational institutions of legal profile.